Events Archive
Findings from Watersheds Around the Country
April 28, 2021
Presenter, Jason Hubbart, professor of physical hydrology and water quality in the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design, serves as the director of the West Virginia University Institute of Water Security and Science.
Watch the Youtube recording of this event.
Mark Licht, Iowa State University Assistant Professor and Extension Cropping Systems Specialist, and Matt Helmers, Iowa Nutrient Research Center Director, will discuss spring cover crop management and the impact of cover crops on water quality at a virtual field day, April 15, at 1:00 p.m. CDT.
This year's virtual Iowa Water Conference, "Building Resilience for Water and People," will be held, April 6-8.
The conference includes a breakout session panel on Iowa Nutrient Research Center: Current Research and Research Impacts, Wednesday, April 7, from 3:30-4:30 p.m.. Panelists will be INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik, with Iowa State University faculty Chaoqun Lu, ecology, evolution and organismal biology, Marshall McDaniel, agronomy, and Michelle Soupir, agricultural and biosystems engineering.
INRC Water Quality Research Seminar - Findings from Watershed around the Country
March 24, 2021
Presenter: Margaret Kalcic, assistant professor, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Ohio State University. Kalcic researches watershed hydrology with a focus on water quality and agricultural conservation.
Watch the Youtube recording of this event.
INRC Director Matt Helmers will discuss the impact of cover crop implementation on water quality in two small watersheds for an Iowa Learning Farms webinar, Wednesday, March 3, at noon. More information and link to register at
INRC Water Quality Research Seminar - Findings from Watershed around the Country
February 24, 2021
Presenter: Aaron Mittelstet, assistant professor of Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Watch the Youtube recording of this event.
Putting Science into Practice is the theme of the 2021 Agribusiness Association of Iowa Virtual Showcase & Conference, Feb. 9-10. INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik will speak on "Implementing Wetland Edge-of-Field Management: Why, Where, and How" at 3:00.p.m., during the session, Putting Wetland & Edge of Field Management into Practice, from 3:00-3:55.
The National Academy of Sciences invites registration to a five-session, free, virtual workshop on “Reducing the Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem,” beginning Thursdays, Jan. 28, through Feb. 25, from 1:30-4:30 CST, sponsored by the NAS’ Environmental Health Matters Initiative (EHMI).
INRC Director Matt Helmers is one of the presenters at the initial workshop session on Jan. 28.
INRC Water Quality Research Seminar - Findings from Watershed around the Country
January 27, 2021
Presenter: Mike Daniels, Extension Professor for Soil and Water Conservation with the Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Department at the University of Arkansas.
Watch the Youtube recording of this event.
Join us for a live conversation Thursday, January 14, at 1 p.m. CST, about growing Miscantus in Iowa with Emily Heaton, Iowa State University agronomy professor and ISU Extension and Outreach biomass crop specialist. Hosted by Iowa Learning Farms in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and the Conservation Learning Group (CLG). Get more details.
INRC Fall Water Research Seminar Series
November 18, 2020 - 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Evaluating flood mitigation strategies in an agricultural watershed in Iowa using process-based hydrologic modeling
Presenter: Antonio Arenas Amado, associate research engineer, IIHR Hydroscience & Engineering - University of Iowa
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, and Conservation Learning Group (CLG), is hosting a free virtual field day exploring impacts of cover crops, tillage and nitrogen-inhibitors on crop performance and water quality on Thursday, November 5th at 1 p.m. CST.
Partners of Scott County Watersheds is presenting a Grant Programs webinar about the numerous grant funding and cost-share programs that are available for water quality improvement, conservation, and flood reduction projects in Iowa and Illinois. This webinar will feature presentations from local, state and federal organizations outlining the details of their respective programs. The webinar, hosted in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, will be held via Zoom on Thursday, November 5th from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Please visit the Partners of Scott County Watersheds website,, for more information and to register for the event. Download the flyer.
INRC Fall Water Research Seminar Series
October 28, 2020
Understanding farmer and landowner decision-making and message preference concerning conservation practice adoption in the Clear Creek Watershed
Presenter: Erin O Heiden, assistant director, Center for Social & Behavioral Research (CSBR), Universitiy of Northern Iowa
Presenter: Grace Wilkinson, assistant professor, Iowa State University
Watch the Youtube recording of this event.
Hear about the latest research being conducted on ISU Research and Demonstration Farms across the state during a series of short, interactive webinars, Monday, Aug. 31, through Friday, Sept. 4. Tours begin each day at 8:00 a.m. ISU Extension Specialists, including INRC Director Matt Helmers (on Tuesday, Sept. 1) will take you into the field, explain what they're seeing and answer your questions. Each morning tour stop features 20 minutes of in-field video, drone footage and presentation. Presenters will be available following the tour to take questions from attendees. Registration required in advance!
A free virtual prairie strips field day will be held on Thursday, July 9 at 1pm CDT. Join us as we explore the multitude of benefits prairie strips can offer with Tim Youngquist, ISU Prairie STRIPS farmer liaison, and Gary Guthrie, Story County landowner with prairie strips. Hosted by Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and Conservation Learning Group.
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and Conservation Learning Group, is hosting a free virtual soil health field day on Thursday, June 18, at 1:00 pm CDT. Dig into soil health with Marshall McDaniel, ISU assistant professor in soil-plant interactions, with video footage from the field and live interaction during the event.
Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, the Conservation Learning Group and Prairie Rivers of Iowa, is hosting a free virtual field day Thursday, June 11, at 1:00 pm CDT. Explore the first-ever saturated buffer, which was installed in 2010 within an existing riparian buffer along Bear Creek in Hamilton County. The event will include video footage from the field and live interaction with Tom Isenhart, Iowa State University Professor, Billy Beck, ISU assistant professor and forestry specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, and Dan Haug and David Stein of Prairie Rivers of Iowa. Together they will discuss how saturated buffers, riparian buffers and pollinator habitat work together to improve water quality, farm aesthetics and wildlife opportunities.
INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik presents an Iowa Learning Farms webinar, “Wetland Ecosystem Services: How Wetlands can Benefit Iowans.”
AMES, Iowa—Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and Conservation Learning Group, is hosting a free virtual field day on Thursday, May 14th at 1pm CDT. The event will include video footage from a local riparian forest area and live interaction with Billy Beck, Iowa State University Assistant Professor and Extension Forestry Specialist and Adam Janke, Iowa State University Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist.
Iowa Learning Farms will host a webinar on Wednesday, April 29 at noon, about the work that is being done in Iowa to reduce losses of agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as the progress that has been made. Presenter Laurie Nowatzke, Measurement Coordinator for the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy at Iowa State University, will present findings from the forthcoming Annual Progress Report of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy.
Iowa Nutrient Research Center – Advisory Council Teleconference
March 24, 2020, 11:30 am-1:00 pm
The meeting will be conducted via Zoom teleconference only (no in-person meeting), at:;
Or, go to and enter meeting ID: 900 433 736;
Or join from dial-in phone line: Dial: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 900 433 736
Agenda (PDF)