Iowa Nutrient Research Center Researcher Directory facilitates connection to Iowa scientists  

January 6, 2022

INRC researcher directory screenshotA new Researcher Directory being launched this week highlights Iowa scientists engaged in nutrient reduction research. The online search tool is hosted by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, at

The directory is envisioned as a quick way to disseminate information about INRC-funded research to anyone who wants to learn more about projects and the researchers involved. It also aims to facilitate professional networking among university faculty and staff, extension specialists and agency personnel.

The easy-to-use directory is designed to be searched in two ways.

  • It can be searched by one of the four INRC research categories: land management, nutrient management, edge-of-field, and multi-objective.
    • Searchers can click on one of the research category tiles to bring up a secondary page with tiles for specific nutrient reduction practices or topic areas.
    • Clicking on a nutrient reduction practice tile brings up a list of all researchers working in that practice area with information on their institutional affiliation and a more in-depth profile that includes their areas of expertise and email.
  • Those using the directory can also search for researchers directly from a button below the category tiles.

“The INRC’s Researcher Directory is unique in that it was designed to be searched primarily by nutrient management practice type,” said Kay Stefanik, INRC assistant director.  “That way, anyone can quickly find and connect with a researcher working on a specific nutrient management practice.”

Almost 75 researchers are listed so far. However, the directory is not exhaustive. Initially, those included are limited to primary project investigators and co-investigators from Iowa State University, the University of Iowa and University of Northern Iowa who have received grant funding through the INRC since the center’s creation in 2013.

“We appreciate the researchers who are doing this important work and are pleased to showcase their work in this new way,” Stefanik said.


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