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September 05, 2023

Two workshops on tile drainage and water quality intended for women in agriculture will be held this fall in eastern Iowa.The first workshop will be held on Sept. 13 at 5:30 p.m. in Hiawatha, and will include presentations on the basics of field tile drainage, the economics of tile drainage and water quality considerations. The second workshop will be held Nov. 8 at 5:00 p.m. in Cedar Rapids and will include presentations on tile drainage-related water quality practices, as well as opportunities for cost assistance. The workshops are hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Linn and Johnson counties and sponsored by a grant from Wings2Water. More details at: 

Picture of pond next to farm field with farm buildings in background
August 28, 2023

The Iowa Soybean Association’s Research Center for Farming Innovation (RCFI) is exploring the potential for drainage water recycling at the farm leve

Pictures of eight diverse, young men and women.
August 23, 2023

AMES, Iowa – The Iowa Nutrient Research Center’s Fall 2023 Seminar series will feature presenters discussi

August 15, 2023

A publication in Bioenergy Research Letters by INRC Director Matt Helmers and others, reports findings of a model-based investigation on the potential benefits of growing winter rye as a cover crop as part of corn-soybean rotations in the North-Central Region of the U.S. They concluded that harvesting fertilized rye CCs before soybean planting in this area could reduce nitrogen loads to the Gulf of Mexico by 27% relative to no cover crops, while providing an estimated 18 million Mg yr−1 of biomass-equivalent to 0.21 EJ yr−1 of biogas energy content (3.5 times the 2022 US cellulosic biofuel production).

May 24, 2023

DES MOINES, Iowa (May 24, 2023) – The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa State University and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the three principals of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, today jointly announced that the online dashboards that report the results of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy have been updated to reflect the latest reporting period. Today’s announcement coincides with the 10-year anniversary of the Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Adoption of conservation practices continues to increase, and progress is expected to continue to build over the next decade as water quality and conservation practice implementation accelerate.

Water Security Description Flyer with colorful graphic chart - UN Water
March 31, 2023

The Water Security Initiative is a consortium of interdisciplinary researchers at Iowa State University collectively and collaboratively working towards advancing water security and justice throughout the urban-rural continuum. The mission of the initiative is to support world-class research and education in water sustainability that ensures equity for all people and care for natural and managed ecosystems. To promote graduate student research and engagement in this effort, a competitive grants program is open for graduate students at Iowa State University.

cover of INRC Annual Review 2022 with logo and field behind blue chevrons
March 28, 2023

The Iowa Nutrient Research Center has released its 2022 Annual Review. The four-page document provides highlights of the center’s work and new projects in 2022 -- and over its first decade of helping lead “science for Iowa’s water.” 

INRC logo
March 09, 2023

AMES, Iowa- The Iowa Nutrient Research Center is accepting new proposals for research projects designed to reduce nitrate and phosphorus in Iowa’s water.

Four men and women dressed up and posing
January 06, 2023

By Madeleine Resener, GeoPols

Nitrogen, one of the most plentiful gases in our environment, is both a friend and foe to our planet and to ourselves.

INRC logo
September 15, 2022

AMES, Iowa — The Iowa Nutrient Research Center at Iowa State University announces funding of just over $1.4 million to support a dozen new water quality and nutrient management projects for 2022-2023.

Banner for INRC seminar series Fall '22-Spring '23
August 19, 2022

The Iowa Nutrient Research Center will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a new seminar series highlighting outcomes and impacts from a decade of research. The series will start this fall and continue through spring 2023. Two presenters each month will discuss INRC-supported projects. Sessions will take place the second Wednesday of each month, from 3:10-4 p.m., beginning Sept. 14. The seminars are free and open to the public. Participants are asked to register in advance.

Map of Iowa with watersheds outlined and yellow dots indicating monitoring sites for study
August 17, 2022

AMES, Iowa – When can we expect to see reduced levels of nutrients in our water if we make positive changes on the landscape? New Iowa State University research shows how complicated it is to give a sound answer to that question.

The research is featured in a recent article in the peer-reviewed Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Ph.D. student Gerasimos J. Danalatos, Professor Michael Castellano and Associate Professor Sotirios V. Archontoulis, in Iowa State’s Department of Agronomy, and Calvin Wolter, a Geographic Information Systems analyst with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

International Drainage Symposium image
August 10, 2022

AMES, Iowa — Drainage experts from around the world will convene in Des Moines, in person, Aug. 31- Sept. 2, to discuss agricultural drainage opportunities and solutions to challenges at the 11th International Drainage Symposium.

map of U.S. and graph indicating contributions to Gulf hypoxic zone.
August 02, 2022

INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik shares information about the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (INRS) N-Load model and recent revisions made to to allow for a finer scale in estimating nitrate loss. 


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