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Iowa Nutrient Research Center releases 2023 Annual Review

April 2, 2024

2023 INRC review cover pictures lush growth of cover cropsAMES, Iowa - The Iowa Nutrient Research Center has released its 2023 Annual Review. The four-page document provides highlights of the center’s work and projects funded last year.  

An introductory message from INRC Director Matt Helmers discusses the role of research and the value of widespread involvement to achieve the important mission of reducing nutrient delivery to water in Iowa and downstream.

Short summaries of INRC’s activities and impacts include a spring researcher open house and tour, collaborative events, website resources and research videos, and the center’s water quality research seminar series, which over the last year has looked back at INRC’s first “Decade of Research and Impacts” and then pivoted to a “Focus on the Future.” An INRC by the Numbers infographic tallies 2023 projects, funding, student researchers, workshops, field days, presentations and peer-reviewed research publications.   

New in 2023 was a pilot workshop on the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and Your Farm led by INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik, with support from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Materials developed for the workshop are now available online through ISU Extension and Outreach with additional workshops to be held in 2024.

The review is available to download free as a PDF from the INRC’s website.

The Iowa Nutrient Research Center pursues science-based approaches to areas that include evaluating the performance of current and emerging nutrient management practices, and providing recommendations on implementing the practices and developing new practices. Since its inception, the INRC has sponsored 136 water research projects with approximately $16.4 million in total state appropriations. Funded projects fall into four general categories: edge-of-field practices, land management, nutrient management and multi-objective research.

Comments or questions about the annual report can be directed to Stefanik at kcstefan@iastate.edu.      


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