Iowa State University Advances Saturated Riparian Buffers as a Promising Water-quality Practice for Crop Fields
A new technology for cleansing nutrients from water leaving Iowa’s tile-drained fields began with two Iowa State University researchers brainstorming after a professional meeting. Their “back of the napkin” discussion in 2010 led to development of saturated riparian buffers, a new conservation practice that is rapidly gaining interest in Iowa and far beyond.
Dr. William Beck
Dr. Thomas Isenhart
Cover Crop and Saturated Buffer Field Day near Walcott, November 17
The public is invited to a field day near Walcott, Iowa, that will feature cover crops and a saturated buffer, Wednesday, Nov. 17, from 12:00-2:00 p.m., hosted by the Iowa Learning Farms, the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering, Iowa Geological Survey and Partners of Scott County Watersheds. The field day will begin at Paustian Farms, 6520 215th St, Walcott, IA 52773. The free event includes a complimentary meal. RSVPs are encouraged to ensure adequate space and food (contact Liz Ripley, 515-294-5429 or Find more details and directions online.
Dr. Cassandra Rutherford
Dr. Chris Rehmann
Highlights from a Decade of INRC Research & Impacts: Saturated Buffers
The Iowa Nutrient Research Center is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a seminar series highlighting outcomes and impacts from a decade of research. The series starts Sept. 14, 2022, and continues through May 10, 2023. Two presenters each month will discuss INRC-supported projects.
Saturated Buffers will be the focus of the February 8 presenters:
Extending saturated buffers to additional landscape positions
Wider is not necessarily better: Iowa State research seeks to optimize saturated buffer design