
Iowa Nutrient Research Center 2020 Update
Evaluation of Best Management Practices to Reduce Nitrate Loads Based on Watershed Characteristics, Baseflow Index and Groundwater Age

INRC Water Quality Research Seminar - Findings from Watershed around the Country 
February 24, 2021
Presenter: Aaron Mittelstet,
assistant professor of Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Watch the Youtube recording of this event. 

Reducing Nutrient Losses for Arkansas Agriculture - Results from Arkansas Discovery Farms

INRC Water Quality Research Seminar - Findings from Watershed around the Country 
January 27, 2021
Presenter: Mike Daniels
, Extension Professor for Soil and Water Conservation with the Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences Department at the University of Arkansas. 

Watch the Youtube recording of this event

Evaluating flood mitigation strategies in an agricultural watershed in Iowa using process-based hydrologic modeling

INRC Fall 2020 Water Research Seminar Series
November 18, 2020

Presenter: Antonio Arenas Amado, associate research engineer, IIHR Hydroscience & Engineering - University of Iowa 

This work presents quantifications of flood reduction benefits, at the watershed-scale, associated to a system of distributed storage and different levels of implementation of cover crops and native vegetation strips.

INRC Fall Seminar Series - September 2020

Presenter: Grace Wilkinson, assistant professor, Iowa State University 

Watch the Youtube recording of this event.  

Conservation Station On The Edge Demonstration

INRC Director Matt Helmers narrates a short video demonstrating nutrient-reduction processes for a saturated riparian buffer and a bioreactor for an Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Station On The Edge Demonstration. 

CREP Wetlands with Dr. William Crumpton

Dr. William Crumpton explores a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program wetland and discusses the role they play in nutrient reduction. A conversation with INRC Director Matt Helmers, for a Conservation Learning Lab project led by the Iowa Learning Farms. More

Introducing the Iowa Water Quality Research Map

This short video introduces the Iowa Water Quality Research Map, its features and how it works.
Narrated by INRC Assistant Director Kay Stefanik. 

Overview of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center

Iowa Nutrient Research Center Assistant Director Kay Stefanik discusses the center, its current activities and accomplishments, and some of the impacts from the research projects it has funded, during a January 15, 2020, webinar hosted by Iowa Learning Farms.   

The Right Strategies: Making Cover Crops Work for Iowa Farmers and Water Quality
